Happy Spring -
We have a new spring flavor available & it is a hit! Consider trying some garlic dill chevre next time you order.
Also, if you haven't already heard, we are in 4 locations now! Chuck's Produce Salmon Creek and Mill Plain are carrying our milk, Bi-Zi Farm is carrying both milk & cheese, and Butcher Boys Market is carrying our cheese. We will keep you updated as more locations & summer markets are added. If you find yourself out & about, stop by one of these locations. As always, you can also order online and pick up from the farm.

February 2024
After a short break this winter, we have goat cheese and milk to offer to our friends and community. It has been a busy few weeks of kidding with lots of bottle feeding, milking and chores that goes along with almost 30 babies born so far and 15 milking does. We have more to kid in March so please be patient with us and the does as we ease into the spring, ramping up milk and cheese production. For now we are focusing on processing the majority of our milk into cheese but we do have a limited amount of milk available. Please email and check in with us before ordering milk online.
We currently have plain chevre and honey chevre available and plan to introduce a spring herb chevre soon! Check back regularly to catch new flavors as they are added to our website & order form.
We appreciate each of you and the support you've given us thus far & look forward to what 2024 will bring.
Welcoming spring along with you....

Happy New Year 2024
As we reflect on the past decade, we're filled with gratitude for the unexpected journey we've had since bringing our first two dairy goats home ten years' ago. Now just five months into our venture as a licensed Grade A Dairy and Creamery, we're overwhelmed by the support and connections we've built within our community. Whether you've been occasional milk and cheese customers for your family, sold our products at your business, or been a loyal chevre' customer for your restaurant, we're incredibly thankful for each one of you.
Currently, we find ourselves in that brief period when our does are dry before kidding season starts and the milk flows again. This break is essential for our goats to nurture healthy kids, build up colostrum, and ensure smooth deliveries. Fingers crossed always for no middle of the night kidding complications. Next year we hope to stagger our kidding season so that we always have a few does in milk and fresh products available for our partners and community. While we won't have any cheese or milk available until early-mid February, we appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.
Looking ahead to 2024, we're thrilled to share some exciting plans:
Farmstand Setup: We're building and setting up a farmstand to facilitate on-farm pickups for your convenience.
Business Partnerships: We aim to expand our partnerships with more businesses in Clark County to proudly offer our milk and cheese products.
Herd Expansion: Our plan includes near-doubling our milking herd to produce more of our delicious chevre' and potentially introduce new fresh cheeses and yogurt.
Oregon Expansion: We're excited to expand into Oregon, with a vision of having our cheese featured by chefs at restaurants focused on local ingredients.
Farm Visits: Host farm visits, inviting our loyal customers and supporters to witness the beauty of our goats and farm.
New Chevre Flavors: Anticipate the debut of new flavors of chevre' that highlight the unique tastes of each season in the Northwest.
We are truly grateful for everyone's support as we embark on this dairy journey. Your patience during this brief hiatus allows our goats the necessary rest for a healthy and productive 2024. Rest assured, you'll be the first to know when our products are ready to share in February. Fresh cheese and milk is just around the corner. Oh, and dozens of goat kids playing in the barn is pretty great also. We can’t wait!!
With much gratitude,
Chris & Amy Dunning
News Article Link 2023